They are then tossed into a large map with a series of objectives that need to be completed over a few ‘phases’ or individual battles. Operations see players equipping their regiment with additional resources by spending points to increase deployment size, defenses, or add divisional assets. Operations are the main method of playing Regiments. Our dug in West Germans repel an assault across a farmer’s field. Removing the HUD can make for some great images. That can be great fun, but it is nice to see the focus placed on making the game work for single player with the ability to give orders while paused and a scale that reduces the number of units you need to individually order.

Real-time strategy style wargames often prioritize the competitive multiplayer aspect. This is a single player only experience, and it is kind of refreshing to see that angle taken with a game of this type. Which is ‘better’ will be up to your personal preference and desire for multiplayer. The comparisons with the Red Dragon in the room are unavoidable, but I’m going to try and stick to talking about what Regiments does and how it feels. Players take control of platoon-sized units and support assets to take control of linked capture points on a large map over several ‘phases’ of an operation. Regiments is as (you guessed it) regimental scale 3D real-time wargame about a fictitious Cold War Gone Hot scenario in 1989. Pausable real time with a fascinating scale and little micromanagement. Then Regiments appeared on the horizon, sun shining at its back, and it bellowed, “less micro!” and my heart sang. I was wondering if I just had to decide that WARNO, and games like it, weren’t for me. In fact, when playing Eugen’s latest entry in their wargames series, that feeling is so tantalizingly close that I find myself more annoyed than I think I have the right to be. If I were quicker, sharper, and a better commander, I could probably handle the micromanagement to a point where WARNO could be incredibly rewarding. Every time I try and play multiplayer, even when playing with friends, I find the inability to stop and assess the situation frustrating. But, try as I might, I just can’t get the hang of it. I like pretty graphics and funky 80’s music. I like army building/deck building in competitive wargames.